Triptych I Sky

The most beautiful bus stop I have ever seen, was somewhere around Canary Wharf. It was just after the rain, the sky was already blue and I was alone on the upper deck sitting next to a window. Clouds were passing really quickly, as they usually do. I could see them in a puddle of cold rain water that filled uneven roof of the bus stop.
Triptych II Sea

And if the rain doesn't stop, you'll have the sea at your doorstep.
Triptych III Wind

Nature is always present. More than you can imagine.
From Bus-Tops | organizers website:
"Animation prepared for a collaborative public art installation project taking place across 20 London boroughs. Animations will be displayed on 30 red and black LED screens dotted around London, on the roofs of bus shelters. Absolutely anyone in the world can create artwork for them, creating a new exhibition space for the public, and Public Art."